Friday, June 24, 2011


Those of you that are familiar with Deer Creek Golf Club are well aware of our risk of flooding if we receive 1" of rain in less than one hour.  Realistically we can experience many flood events in one season and have for many years.  I appreciate our Members and Guests as they are very understanding and allow us the courtesy to clean up the flood damage and get our property back in the condition that we all expect when we visit Deer Creek Golf Club.  Obviously the flood cleanup demands our labor and financial resources and other areas of the property are neglected for that short period of time.  Typically the flood cleanup takes a few days and then we put our major focus back on golf course conditioning.  This week we still have some tree cleanup to do but we are in fairly good condition going into the weekend.  The details will improve as we move into the weekend and try to get back on schedule. 

Thanks again for your courtesy and cooperation.  I hope you can get out here this weekend to enjoy the great weather.   

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